Friday, October 31, 2014

Five Fact Friday

Prepare yourself for random rambling five facts...

1. I noticed that I have mom callouses.  My knees look like elephant knees because I am always kneeling and dealing with a kid.  And I finally figured out why I have these weird bruise rough patchy things on my feet by my ankle.  It is sitting on the floor with one leg tucked under the other. Mystery solved.  Mom Callous.  Also, my left wrist has "second kid wrinkles".  You hold the second kid so much with the left arm that you just get these little wrinkles that don't ever go away. 

2. I have a few bathtub tricks that I think are making my life better.  Sitting on the edge of the tub with your feet in the water makes bath time much easier than kneeling and bending over the edge. I have started to use bath time to give me a foot soak too.  Add a little scrubby brush at the end and some lotion.  Maybe get crazy and paint your toes once a month. It doesn't get much better than this (wink wink).  Also, I have started to scrub the yucky food clothes in the tub too instead of waiting until laundry day. I just hang them up to dry on the towel rack.

3. I made these Korean Short Ribs this week that were great...all 4 of us ate them. I made this Pumpkin Taco Soup and I was a little scared of it because...pumpkin... but it was really good and just added some depth...all 3 of us liked it...not sure how to give babies soup yet. Back to the short ribs...I learned a trick a while back that you need to know.  Buy a huge thing of ginger from the store and peel it and chop it into 1 inch hunks and freeze it.  Then when you need it you can pull out a hunk and grate it on your zester.  Fresh (frozen) ginger is a game changer in recipes. 

4. Kate had an excellent birthday party. She didn't want to touch the cake. I think she didn't like the sticky frosting. Oh well. We took a few cute pics and moved on to the presents. She had her 1 year checkup this week. She went from 15th to 50th percentile on height and stayed at 5th percentile weight.  She just still cant put on the pounds but is gaining at a constant rate. I started weaning her Monday.  My plan is to drop one feeding a week. So far, so good. 

5. We had a practice run for Halloween last weekend at Wyatt's school's trunk or treat.  I think the costumes were pretty cute but I need to girly up Kate's makeup and maybe work on a happy face instead of a sad face clown. Did you notice that this tutu has been worn consistently in photo shoots, birthday parties, and now Halloween? Me neither.



At October 31, 2014 at 1:47 PM , Anonymous Samantha said...

Great pics! Super cute kiddos!

At October 31, 2014 at 9:41 PM , Blogger TakeMeThereTotes said...

Like the new spa pedicure idea. Also love the two clownies!

At February 7, 2015 at 10:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully the tutu still fits. She should never take it off!


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