Friday, November 2, 2012

Almost Cold Here

We had a few days of lows in the 50s so I have been running in the afternoon instead of early morning.  The temperature in the morning is great for running.  I am just too lazy to figure out how to bundle up a small child appropriately.  I had to dig through all of his clothes just to find one sweater!  I can't stop taking pictures of Wyatt in his cold weather clothes.  They are so cute...and so different from our every day onesie or shorts and t-shirt.

So yesterday, we ran by an elementary school when school was being let out.  There was never ending entertainment.  I might have to repeat this run. 

First, the golf cart pickup line might have been longer than the car pickup line.  Only in Florida!  I tried to get a picture but couldn't quite work one in.   Oh, and if your golf cart is not decorated, you are nothing special. 

First random conversation.  Girl in pink back pack: "Hi".  Me, "Hi".  Girl, "I like your baby". Me, "Thanks". Girl, "You're welcome". 

Second random conversation.  A boy...maybe 3rd grade wearing sunglasses asked how old my baby was.  I told him that he was 1.  Then he said you know what is sooooo much fun....boy scouts.  You have to put him in boy scouts.  He talked my ear off through a cross walk and obviously past his turn.  I had to stop so he could finish telling me the awesomeness of boy scouts.  I heard "cub scouts" and "weblos" and "camping".  This boy is all in.  I finally broke the news to him that my husband and baby's dad is an eagle scout, so most likely we will be participating.  He then said "awesome" and told me that I can be involved too.  Scout Mom here I come.  Hilarious conversation and he is obviously all in!  Good thing he wasn't trying to sell me anything.  I might have purchased.

I saw a boy that was around 6 riding his bike while taking on the phone.  I saw a girl a bit older riding her bike while reading a book!??!?  I saw a crazy 1 foot long trick skate board looking thing.

I swerved around 20ish more golf carts and then completed my 4 mile run.  Good times.  My heart rate monitor wasn't working so I might have gone a little too fast.  I replaced the battery and we are good to go.  I skipped 2 runs while on vacation and I skipped on Halloween too.  Oops!  My training plan has me going up to 6 runs a week now.  I am on week 7 of 12 and losing faith.   I am going to stick with it til the end.

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At November 2, 2012 at 8:16 AM , Blogger TakeMeThereTotes said...

So glad to hear scouting is alive and fun for kids today...really cute blog today!

At November 2, 2012 at 8:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...'s not almost cold - it IS cold! Wyatt is the cutest bundled up little guy. It's almost worth it. :)

I do love that the golf cart line is longer than the car line. And the kids you met are hilarious. Drew can't wait to put Collin in scouts too.

At November 2, 2012 at 10:26 PM , Blogger jamison said...

Did you tell the kid on the bike he shouldn't be talking on the phone and driving.


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