Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Google Reader Replacement Solution - The Old Reader and FeeddlerRSS

I used google reader when on a real deal computer and FeeddlerRSS on the iPhone to keep up with the blogs and various other items I follow.  I have been trying to force myself to use Feedly since I heard Google Reader was going away but I don't dig it.

I am now using The Old Reader in the browser and FeeddlerRSS is able to pull my data from The Old Reader.  Want to do the same?  Here are my steps.

1. Export your Google Reader subscription data.  Go to , click Create Archive, click Download, save the zip file, and go find your subscriptions.xml file. 

2. Create an account with The Old Reader and import your subscriptions.xml file from Google Reader

3. Open feeddlerRSS on your phone and go to the main menu to import from a new account (The Old Reader)

Magic!  Like nothing has changed for me.  Down with Feedly and its fru fru ness.  Tis too hard to mark items as read. 

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At July 12, 2013 at 11:30 PM , Blogger Courtney said...

I wish I understood anything you just wrote! haha, I am amazed I even have a blog sometimes. :-/ I will figure this out!

At July 13, 2013 at 9:24 PM , Blogger Janet said...

How do you keep up with the blogs you read now? If you need help, let me know! :)

At November 9, 2021 at 3:01 PM , Anonymous Rose Weber said...

Hi, great reading your blog


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