Monday, August 13, 2012

11 Months

11 months old
Around 18 lbs according to my $20 scale
4 top teeth, 3.2 bottom teeth
Size 4 diapers
Clothes size 9 and 12 month.

Eating three meals a day and two snacks a day.
Nursing 4 times a day. After his 1 year checkup where I hope he gained plenty of lbs I plan to start the weaning. 
Loves spaghetti, beans, rice, yogurt, cheese, applesauce, oatmeal, blueberries, bananas, chick fil a grilled chicken nuggets.
He eats almost everything we try and is eating huge portions right now.  It blows my mind.
I can't wait until he can have eggs.
He had his first fast food meal at ChickFilA.  He ate a 4 piece grilled chicken nugget and the applesauce pouch.  Finished it.  Wanted more.  I had to share and supplement with cheerios.
Not allergic to peanuts...I accidentally let him eat some peanut butter.  Ooopsie. 

Two naps a day around an hour and a half. I have no clue how we will ever make it to one nap.  He can't make it past 9:30 AM.
Same routine....we read about 3 books and then hum twinkle twinkle before laying down.
Bedtime is from 8:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Wakes up around 5:00 AM every morning right now and goes back to sleep after nursing.

Clapping when I start to sing "If you are happy and you know it"
Waving and saying bye bye about 3 minutes after the person has left.
Using a spoon...I can load it with sticky stuff like yogurt, applesauce, etc and the food will make it into his mouth about 80% of the time., furniture, strollers.  How quick you learn that things can give you a boost.
Walking...he can go pretty far without falling on his bum and rarely crawls now.
When he sees his monkey, he makes the monkey sounds.  When you make the brrmmm sounds, he gets his truck.
Words he recognizes...books, monkey, truck, painting, daddy, mommy, ball,fish. 

Printers...when the paper shoots out after the print he fears for his life.
When I barricade him out of the kitchen for his safety.
Church nursery...this can sometimes go in the Likes category.  He cries when I drop him off but they say he is happy for the majority of the time.  When I go to pick him up, he is usually being walked around the church by somebody to keep him happy.  I always wonder if my kid is the pest, but today I saw the lady give him a kiss on his little head while she was pacing him around so I know she doesn't mind.  

Reading books
Organizing the tupperware cabinet.
Emptying the roll of toilet paper.
Taking lids off and putting them back on
Cuddling for just a few moments before bed time.  This is new.  He used to squirm until he was laying in his bed but now he likes to have a few minutes with me.  He must feel sorry for me since he is turning 1 soon and knows it is a big day. 
Rolling his trucks around.
Making animal sounds.
Dogs...they crack him up.  He pretends they are chasing him and runs around like its a two sided game.
Playing outside.   Digging, walking, exploring. I just wish it wasn't so hot.
Stroller rides.
Music and dancing.
Baby Mum Mum....his favorite crackers.


Busted again!

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At August 13, 2012 at 7:42 AM , Blogger jamison said...

I love these kinds of posts. They make me happy but sad I'm missing all his likes, dislikes and skillz.

At August 14, 2012 at 8:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say it isn't so! It's exciting, but hard to believe! I'm focusing on Wyatt and forgetting Collin is in the same boat.

Wyatt, you're so impressive! You need to give classes on being an awesome baby!

At August 28, 2012 at 10:38 PM , Anonymous Christine said...

Great post! I enjoy reading Wyatt's milestones! Go Wyatt!


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