Wednesday, June 6, 2012

National Running Day

June 6th is National Running Day. Be sure to run a few miles, a few laps, or a few down and backs between the couch and the fridge.

In honor of the day, here are a few running links for you to enjoy. -  Have a hard time remembering the races you signed up for and your completion times?  This site allows you to search race results published online and claim your results.  If the race you competed in is not in their database, you can submit a request to update it by providing a link to the race results.  This covers all kind of races (triathlon, running, adventure race). My race results are here (for those who care). I am hoping to get back on the board soon. Training - I have talked about Hal Higdon's training programs before, but I have to mention it again.  He has training programs for beginner, intermediate, and advanced and he covers triathlons, marathons, 5Ks and all sorts of other distances / situations.  I really like these plans.  The only other training plans I have tried are ones from Nike Plus and ones from the fitness center at the gym I used to attend.  I always liked Hal's best. 

Runner's World What to Wear - This little application is great for when you aren't sure how to dress for the weather.  I once ran a 12 mile race in 15 degree weather.  Ugh! So hard to stand around and wait for the race to start.  My toes were numb for the first 2 miles.  I don't think I will have that problem in sunny Florida!

Now get out there and RUN! Or Walk. Or Jane Fonda. Or Sweat to the Oldies.

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At June 6, 2012 at 11:40 PM , Blogger Conor said...

I ran today! 3 hilly miles. Are there hills in Florida? (I already know the answer to this question)


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