Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Too Busy

Howdy.  I have been too busy being lazy to write much these days. 

The House:
Most of the boxes are unpacked (thanks Mom). Most of the rooms are organized (thanks Kathleen). Most of the paintings / decor are on the wall (thanks Hunter).   What have I done?  Hmmm..not much comes to mind.

The Kid:
He is sleeping an hour later than usual for right now so we are now 2 hours off schedule thanks to the time change.  This one nap thing is working out a-ok as long as we have an activity in the morning (park, walk, story-time).  Wyatt had his 18 month appointment today, and whadda ya know, he is still tiny.  BUT he is growing at a good rate and he didn't cry once with his new doctor. I think we both liked him.  He is acting so sweet and grown up that I spend a good part of my day watching my sweet boy and feeling *whelmed by his sweetness and grown upness.  He loves to give hugs and kisses right now.  Almost every bo-bo can be fixed by a little kiss from mama.  I am trying not to let that power go to my head.  At bed time he pushes my head down so that it touches his head for a little bit of rocking chair quality time.  Where did this cuddly boy come from? I don't know.  Where did this sentimental mama come from?  I dunno that either. 

The Fitness:
I did 10 push ups yesterday.  Sometimes Wyatt and I go out for a stroller wog.  On to the next topic.

The Food:
As usual, I have been using PW to inspire me. Here are a few PW recents that really hit the spot.
Salad Tacos - Crunchy shells dressed with a mixture of ranch dip and salsa. I felt like a kid again.
Avocado Egg Salad - Wyatt chowed down on a sandwich with this in it
Petite Vanilla Scones - I made these for a baby shower and they were a big hit.  Pretty easy too!

Veggies in my fridge to use this week...swiss chard, spinach, collard greens, and snap peas. 

The Parenting:
The sandbox that Lisa gave us has allowed me to spend the least amount of time parenting this week.  Ha ha.  Lots of alone time in that sandbox. This will pass, but it shore is nice. 

Yah, he is wearing his jammies here.

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At March 14, 2013 at 10:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sweet boy! Love the sandbox. Collin's had so much fun at the beach and park in the sand, it might be time to get him one. Although that means he'll probably get bored of it quickly...


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