Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Flo - Rida

East coast Florida where we live has some nice beaches and beach parks.  Almost all of them have bathrooms, foot sprayers, nice parking lots, and even life guards.

They also have some tasty citrus. We bought a big bag of Honeybelle Tangelos and Honey Tangerines from a grove in the area.  I eat at least one a day.  Of course the citrus my dad grows is better but what can you do when you move out of state. He grew some Owari Satsuma Mandarins this year that are the best I have ever eaten. And I wouldn't even buy any grapefruit here because I know it won't be as good as my dad's.

A few things Florida does not have, at least in our part.
  • Good drivers. I have been yelled at for doing normal things like sitting in the median to turn left.
  • HEB grocery stores.  HEB I miss thee.  So far Publix and Winn Dixie can't compare.  Sadly, the Wal Mart comes closest to feeling like home.  We are liking Aldi (a discount grocery store) but they have a small selection
  • Southern cooking.  Every restaurant that we try here that gets really good reviews is only good not great.  Our search continues, but we have tried Italian, Seafood, and BBQ.

We continue to give Florida a chance, but I leave you with a picture Hunter took on his commute to work. The sunshine is added to protect the innocent. Yes that says Duke's Bait & Tackle Shop & Funeral Parlor. 



At March 4, 2012 at 4:54 PM , Blogger SDub said...

I looked up a couple links for ya. I hope something ends up working stores are so imp to those of us that love nom nom :). I also looked up Trader Joes's (which is awesome) but alas, the closest to you is over 150 miles away :(.

At March 5, 2012 at 7:59 AM , Blogger Janet said...

Thanks! I really want to go in a Trader Joes one day. I hear great things.

At March 23, 2012 at 12:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We used to go to the one in Santa FE when we lived there. Had lots of nice organic produce and meat plus lots of gluten free. Pretty big wine section too. Def worth the trip. Plus they would hide a stuffed animal somewhere in the store for the kids. If they could find it and tell where it was when we checked out, they would get to pick a prize from the treasure chest. Seems like it was a stuffed lobster they had to find.


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